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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

But I'm Honoring You Dude!

Cultural Appropriation is not OK  The image above is the perfect example of why. In each shot there is a minority holding up a picture which depicts what cultural appropriation is all about and why it angers so many cultures worldwide. So what exactly is cultural appropriation?
Cultural Appropriation, as stated by wisegeek, is sometimes used to describe the act of borrowing aspects of another culture. While this definition seems harmless, the effects that “borrowing” can have on a culture are far more harmful. These effects include:
1.      Invalidation of one’s culture, society, or people
2.       Reinforcement of negative stereotypes
3.      Distorts cultural traditions
4.  Dehumanization

Here are some examples to illustrate my point. 

American sports have long used cultural appropriation as mascots to promote their teams; for example, the Washington Redskins Indian. The term Redskins in itself is a derogatory and dehumanizing term. For those who do not know the history of the term “Redskin” (Google it)and would argue that this icon is being used to represent Native Americans in a positive light, I pose this question, “If the icon of was Jesus Christ winking and throwing up the peace sign, and the mascot used during game ran around turning water into wine, would Christians consider it offensive?” 


Another example would be Halloween. Halloween is a great example of cultural appropriation. For example so people go as far as painting their faces and bodies to emulate another culture. In the same instance, if reversed would the appropriating side feel slighted as well?

That is a good question and I wonder how Caucasians felt when the Wayan’s Bro. made White Chicks.

There will always be the naysayers who say that the people offended by their actions are way too sensitive and need to lighten up because they meant no harm, and to them they may be right, but is having a little fun really worth offending someone’s culture? You be the judge.

Did I Insult You: Racial Micraggressions In America

This video demonstrates how African Americans react to Racial Microagressions when applying for work. In this video, produced by a popular improv group on YouTube named, “Reckless Tortuga,” lead actor Billy Sorrell emulates what it’s like being an African American and having to deal with microagressions while applying for a job and the reactions of the aggressor once he has pointed out their aggressions. Though funny and interesting it gives merit to the point that I want to make, which is; be careful what you say to people because what seems innocent to you can be highly offensive to the receiver. So what is a microaggression?

Monday, February 18, 2013

This is a Test

Let's see how this works out. This is a test, let's see how this works out. Let's see how this works out. This is a test, let's see how this works out. Let's see how this works out. This is a test, let's see how this works out. Let's see how this works out. This is a test, let's see how this works out. Let's see how this works out. This is a test, let's see how this works out. Let's see how this works out. This is a test, let's see how this works out. Let's see how this works out. This is a test, let's see how this works out. Let's see how this works out. This is a test, let's see how this works out. Let's see how this works out. This is a test, let's see how this works out.

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